Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Monday, 22 November 2010
Monday, 15 November 2010
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Film Magazine Cover Construction
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Film Poster Construction
The next thing I did was cut away my subject from the background, so that I could leave the face very pale and drawn out, whilst making the background darker so that the text can stand out. When I did this, and edited the image to how I wanted it, because I had used the magnetic lassoo tool to cut out my subject's head, it looked as though the image of him had been taken in a different location to the background and pasted on top. At first, I wasn't pleased with this and wanted to change it, but then I looked at it differently and found that I quite liked the "D.I.Y" and rough look that it gave the poster and I decided to keep it.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Trailer Construction
This is the third rough cut of my trailer. I have gotten rid of the soundtrack that I made in Garageband, and imported some sound files that I recorded myself; one on an acoustic guitar and one on an electric using a "FuzzBrite" and "Danelectro" pedal. These pedals gave quite a good 60s/garage sound, which sadly became slightly distorted when I recorded it through an amplifier using a microphone. Below is a picture of the guitar and equipment I used, recording the sound into a laptop.
This is the first rough cut of my trailer. Basically, so far I've captured/imported the footage and institutional logos, putting them in order in coordance with my storyboards and uploaded it to see what it looks like so far. I used the "desaturate" tool in Final Cut Express to make the footage greyscale, but as you can see I missed out one shot by mistake. There also isn't any soundtrack, so it looks a bit dull and boring, which I will try to change. It's quite long at the moment, at 2 minutes 32 seconds, so I may have to shorten some shots as trailers aren't really that long normally. I think there are some good shots in my trailer however, and I am pleased with the voice-overs/monologues and how they fit with the footage. I need to alter the sequence of shots towards the end of the trailer, which I can't do until I have a soundtrack, because I intended them to be fast-paced and in time to some 60s sounding music. I like that the look of the trailer is quite rough and plain and I think it fits in well with the narrative.
This is a screengrab of using Final Cut Express, which I am using to create my trailer. I'm suprised at how quick and easy the process of getting used to the software has been and I enjoy using the programme. However, there are still alot of features that I have not used, or featured in my trailer. I plan to do so during the process of making the trailer.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Soundtrack Problem
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Shooting Schedules
During the filming, I decided to get rid of the shots where passers-by in the street were shouting "Oi wanker" at the main character. This was partly due to not being able to get all my models together at the same convenient time, and it was also partly due to the fact that I had quite a lot of footage and I thought for the purpose of the trailer that it wasn't needed and it would save time, leaving more chance to get other good shots.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Alterations to Plans
This change also meant changing the main character's name, of which he now has none. I thought that as there are no names mentioned, this wouldn't matter and also adds an absence/sense of removal that could reflect isolation. Also, other films that I like have the feature of nameless characters, such as "Withnail And I" and "Is Anybody There?" - a name adds identity and a past which I don't want my character to have because I want him to be purely relateable.