Sunday 12 September 2010


11 September - 12 September
I really like this image as well. Pete isn't positioned the same as in the flatplans, but I think it still looks good for either the film poster or film magazine cover. I took all of the photos on location at the car park, instead of out in the open as I intended to for the magazine cover image. I did this because I thought it was a great atmospheric location, that helped to reflect a lot of the sentiment that I wanted to be in the film trailer.

I would have liked the above image for the film poster, if it wasn't for the fact that you can see myself reflected in Pete's glasses. However, I could use this image for the film magazine cover and collage over this reflection, which I think would look really good, but it may be abit too close to/similar to the image I want to use for the film poster.
I really like the above image and I think it would look great with text over for the film poster. Below is the image in greyscale, not heavilly edited, but just to give a rough idea of what it would look like, which I think looks pretty good. It was a lot harder to take photos from this position, which was the one I had planned to take it from, than I intended. This was partially because I'm not as tall as Pete, and partially because the sun kept reflecting in his glasses, or casting my shadow onto him. So, there is still some light being reflected, which I couldn't really help. I also like the "UP" written on the floor in the background as it matches the film title "Rise.":
These are some photos taken during filming, showing me capturing shots of Carol leaving the house as shown in the storyboard.

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