Monday 9 August 2010


This is the road perpendicular to the one that the sixth form college is situated on. I want to use streets in the shot where my main subject will be shouted at by other teenagers. I think this street gives a good perspective and will allow me to include the main character walking past and the other people in the background. Also, because it is so close to college it will create a physical barrier between people of the same ages and my character, showing that even in a place where other people are the same age, he still feels isolated.
These images (above and below) are of some streets in the surrounding area. They are quite "safe" and the people who live there are most likely middle class - which will connect with my target audience. Again, these streets could create a seperation, as the character is in a safe area, but still feels lonely and is verbally attacked by other teenagers. I am allowed to film on these streets, as they are out in the public and I don't think there will be much traffic here as it's quite a residential area.

House interior.
This is the front room of the house I am going to film in. You can see from this photo, and the following ones, that it already has most of the props I will need, in terms of books, CDs and records, so there will hopefully be no major expense there. It has quite a modern design, but most of the indoor shots are close up, so this shouldn't matter too much.

This could be where the main chracter sits to read.

This room also contains a record player, which will be useful for the shots I need to take of the main character putting on records.

This is the bedroom that I am going to use for filming in, I think it will look quite good in grey scale, and this will be used as the setting for when the main chracter dresses and dances. On the wall next to the bed is a collage of posters, pictures and odd things that I found to do with music and with a special reference to music of past decades. This could help to portray the obsession with nostalgia, as well as the costume and look that my character will have.

However, the wall paper at the end of the bed doesn't really fit in, and I would have preferred something plain, so maybe I could tack up a roll of plain paper to make it look more dull and harsh. If I did this, it would also give me a good background to film the dancing against.
This will be the view from the top of the stairs that I need where the main character's mother shouts up the stairs. There seems to be enough light, but I like the way the light decreases towards the top of the stairs, which I think will look quite good in grey scale. There are some photos hanging on the wall on the way up the stairs, but I can take these down when it comes to filming.This is the hall of the house, where there will be a shot of the door closing behind the mother after she has left. Again, I think there is good light, and I do have permission to film here.

Car Park.
This is the car park which I have requested permission to film in, which I need to use for the opening of my trailer. I am currently waiting for a reply to this request and so will wait to see if I can take photos of the interior. Although, it hasn't got the wide and vast windows I was hoping to get, I think there is a third floor on the roof which I could film on instead and it would give me the high angle view that I am hoping for, to get a view of some other buildings.
It is situated just on the outside of the town centre, so there should be some good views from there, however, it is still not as high as I would have hoped. I will wait to see if I get a reply though before looking elsewhere. Because it is situated on the outskirts of town, it is the furthest away location that I have chosen so far, but even then, it is about a 5 minute walk away from the rest of the locations I want to use, meaning I will hopefully have more time to film in each place.

This is a disused football pitch, which has become overgrown and rough looking. I think it has the perfect gritty image for my film, and again, there are no permission or access problems. I think it will look good for the shots of the main character spinning amongst high grass, and there is a platform to the side of it, so I could take some long distance, high-angle shots, which I think would look great. It's also very close to the South Park, as is the house I am using. This will save time and costs for travelling and will hopefully mean I have more time to shoot at each place.
Back Alleys.

Round the back of and near to the house that I am going to film in, there are a lot of back alleys which will be perfect to film in as they stretch on for a long way and look worn down. There are also blocked up/bricked up windows and doors around the edge of the actual alley, which could represent the past being covered up or not noticed by most people, which would work well for my film trailer. The whole look is gritty and run down, which I really like.

Next to the field I want to use is a back lane called Polam Lane (below), which used to be a cobbled alley and I really wanted to use. However, when I went to take these photos for my recce, I discovered that it had been tarmacked over and made into a proper road. At first I really didn't like this and I thought that the look I wanted had been ruined, but it still has the same kind of metaphor of the blocked up doorways in the back alleys, where the past and memories are covered up, which made me quite like it. I also thought that the newly painted yellow lines on the tarmack would really stand out when I was filming in greyscale, making it seem like the character is walking down a pre-determined track that he cannot escape.
It also contains the gradual slope that I wanted to film the character going up and then down, so's to make his situation look a bit futile, pointless and mundane. So, I think I will film here after all.

Park.This is a view from the inside of the South Park. It's open to the public and there should be no problems with access and filming. To the left of the picture you can more or less see a string of benches with their back to the river, but facing the field. (One bench pictured below). I think that these benches, in quite a picturesque surrounding will look good for the shots I need in the trailer, in which my character is sat on a bench writing.
Also, because of all the trees and nature around, it will be the perfect place to get the shots of trees and leaves rustling (as pictured below).

1 comment:

Nicola Naisbett said...

This is good...some very nice locations.

To add something more, mabye indicate when they will be used.